Miscellaneous Projects

  • The European Centre For Development Policy Management

    Hired as the Consulting Director of Communications for The European Centre For Development Policy Management, ECDPM, to oversee the editorial concept, coordination, editing and writing of the Centre’s 2007 Annual Report. ECDPM, has served as an independent, honest broker, working to ensure a more level playing field between the European Union, its member states, and Southern partners from Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific in the area of development policy and development policy implementation.

  • Minneapolis Riverfront: Vision and Implementation

    Developed the Minneapolis Riverfront: Vision and Implementation public affairs program in 1997 for Cuningham Group’s Urban Design division which won public relations’ second highest national honor, The Silver Anvil Award of Excellence. The program’s success was identifying and bringing together critical diverse publics, then formulating common visions for riverfront development and staged plans to implement them.

  • Robert Schuman Centre of Advanced Studies, EUI

    Crafted the Communications and Public Relations Strategy for the Robert Schuman Centre of Advanced Studies of the European University Institute, Florence, Italy, and developed and conducted communications workshop for Centre staff.

  • Temple University General Alumni Association

    Developed the strategic plan to aid recruitment and development for Hired by Temple University’s General Alumni Association (GAA). Achieved the ultimate goal of increasing donor base and activity. Worked directly with the Board of Trustees, alumni, administrators, faculty and students. Based on our recommendations, the GAA moved its office from its downtown location to the main campus and instituted a “young alumni” outreach program resulting in higher visibility and connectivity with students before they become alumni.